RTU for Street Light Automation (CCMS)
CCMS (Centralised Control and Monitoring System) is a control solution for street lighting. It is an end to end system that includes both hardware and software components and is instrumental in helping save million of dollars of money otherwise spent on energy, manpower and repair and maintenance.
Marina RTU is integral to all CCMS devices that used for group control of street lights.
LED Indicators

There are 4 light indicators (LED) on the front of Marina-RTU.
Red LED: Red LED indicates that Marina-RTU is powered ON.
Blue LED: Blue LED blinking indicates the signal strength of Marina-RTU.
Green LED: Green LED indicates the connectivity of Marina-RTU with the server.
Yellow LED: Yellow LED blinking indicates the Marina-RTU communication with meter.

Introduction to RTU & CCMS Systems
The brain of Marina RTU is a microcontroller. It interacts with other major components such as contactor, energy meter and GPRS/GSM modems. All these components are placed in an Enclosure. The Marina RTU is placed at the switching point.
Marina RTU engages in bidirectional communication with Web Applications. It receives commands from the Web Application to turn ON/OFF, Dimming the street light. It also receives commands via to schedule turn ON/OFF, Dimming of lights. It has self-protection from conditions such as short–circuit, over-voltage surge.
Communication via Remote Network
For Marina RTU and Web applications, communication is essential. Our portfolio for Remote Networks includes components for wired and wireless communication. Security is must for remote access.